Mindful Creativity



 “A creative life is an amplified life. It’s a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life,

and a hell of a lot more interesting life” Elizabeth Gilbert

Discover Mindful Self-Expression Through Creative Coaching

As we cultivate mindful living, creativity naturally unfolds as a form of self-discovery and purposeful action. On the path to presence, we strive to find calm amidst chaos, make conscious choices, reduce stress, and extract meaning from each moment. Creativity helps us translate these internal shifts into external expression.

Mindful Creativity Allows Joyful Self-Discovery

Tuned into the richness of the present moment, we become open to creative flow states, where self-judgment fades and inspiration wells up freely. Activities like journaling, intuitive art, and upcycling clothes become vehicles of mindful self-expression. We shed societal expectations of talent and perfection, embracing beginner’s mind and the joy of creating.

This mindful creativity reveals our inner wisdom. We can explore difficult emotions, crystallize values, and connect more deeply with ourselves and the world around us.

Creativity Cultivates a Conscious, Compassionate Way of Life

Approached mindfully, creative pursuits like upcycling fashion, intuitive art, and conscious journaling cultivate the consciousness and compassion at the heart of our offerings.

Upcycling and repurposing your own clothing reduces waste and allows you to appreciate the stories woven into your garments.

Capturing inspiration through art, nature photography, or writing helps you savour each moment.

1:1 Mindful Creativity Coaching

I offer private coaching programs that blend mindfulness with creative expression through:

  • Upcycling and sustainable DIY fashion guidance
  • Intuitive art making
  • Conscious, reflective journalling
  • Mindful photography in nature
  • Meditative drawing, painting, printing, and textile arts

Together we’ll explore forms of creativity that help you express your unique spirit and purpose. Contact me to schedule a consultation and design a custom creative coaching program tailored to your passions!

Let mindful living unfold into mindful creating. Discover how self-expression and compassion take shape when creativity springs from presence.


What is creativity coaching?

Creativity coaching is a form of coaching that helps individuals overcome creative blocks, access their inner creativity, and achieve their creative goals. Through a variety of techniques, such as mindfulness practices, visualization exercises, and creative prompts, a creativity coach can help you tap into your creative potential and develop a more fulfilling and joyful creative practice.

Who can benefit from creativity coaching?

Creativity coaching can benefit anyone who wants to develop their creative skills, overcome creative blocks, and achieve their creative goals. Whether you’re an artist, writer, designer, or simply someone looking to explore your creativity, a creativity coach can provide you with the tools and support you need to achieve your full creative potential.

How does creativity coaching differ from traditional therapy?

While both creativity coaching and therapy can help individuals work through personal and creative challenges, creativity coaching focuses specifically on enhancing creative skills and achieving creative goals. Creativity coaching is often more goal-oriented and action-oriented than traditional therapy, and it may incorporate more practical exercises and techniques to help you achieve your creative objectives.

What should I expect from a creativity coaching session?

In a creativity coaching session, you can expect to receive guidance and support in developing your creative skills, overcoming creative blocks, and achieving your creative goals. I generally use a variety of techniques, such as visualization exercises, mindfulness practices, and creative prompts, to help you access your inner creativity and develop a more fulfilling and joyful creative practice.

How many sessions do I need to see results?

The number of sessions needed to achieve your desired results may vary depending on your individual needs and goals. Some clients may benefit from a single session, while others may require ongoing support over a longer period of time. I will help you determine the best approach based on your individual needs and circumstances.

© 2023 Slow and Mindful