Embrace Slow Living and Conscious Fashion

“Fast fashion is like fast food – a quick fix that leaves you feeling empty. Slow fashion nourishes you deeply – body, mind, and soul. Though it takes more effort, slow fashion aligns your outer and inner self. Its glow comes not from chasing trends but from discovering meaning. Isn’t that a feeling worth savouring?” Linda Corcoran


Feeling Overwhelmed by Modern Life’s Hustle? Discover the Joy of

Slow Living


In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel stressed, overwhelmed, and disconnected. We’re constantly rushing, and we often lose sight of what’s truly important: our well-being, our creativity, and our purpose.

But there’s another way. Slow living is a philosophy that can transform your life for the better.

Slow living encourages us to simplify our lives, declutter our spaces, and find joy in the present moment. Through practices like mindfulness, ethical shopping, and connecting with nature, we can discover true fulfilment.

In our hurried world, slow living provides an oasis of mindfulness, sustainability, and meaning. At Slow and Mindful, we believe that conscious clothing choices are an important part of living intentionally and reducing stress.


What is Slow Living?

Slow living encourages us to:

  • Simplify and declutter our routines and spaces
  • Find joy in simple rituals like cooking, walking in nature and gardening
  • Make sustainable swaps like buying local, limiting waste, upcycling
  • Practice mindfulness through activities like breathwork, journaling, yoga
  • Disconnect from technology overload and be present

Research shows that embracing these practices enhances our well-being, resilience, and sense of purpose.


Slow Fashion Reflects Slow Living Values


Fast fashion promotes overconsumption and waste. Aligning our wardrobes with slow living allows us to put our principles into daily action.

As conscious consumers, we can:

  • Invest in quality, durable items produced sustainably
  • Seek out ethical brands that ensure safe working conditions
  • Rent, swap, thrift and upcycle – embracing circularity
  • Care for our clothes to extend their lifespan
  • Capsule wardrobe – keep only items we truly treasure


Benefits of Slow Fashion and Mindful Dressing


Slow fashion and conscious clothing choices help us reduce stress, clutter and waste. More joyfully, they allow us to:

  • Lighten our environmental footprint
  • Support safe, ethical working conditions
  • Unleash our creativity through mending and upcycling
  • Connect deeply to our values and global community
  • Cultivate self-awareness around needs vs. desires

At Slow and Mindful, our services fully embody the slow living philosophy. Our mindfulness and creativity coaching helps you blend presence with purposeful action. Our sustainable fashion options demonstrate eco-conscious living.

Ready to simplify and infuse your life with meaning? Let’s chat about your unique path to slow-living fulfillment. The journey awaits!


Elevate Your Wardrobe and Contribute to a Sustainable Future

Are you feeling disheartened by the negative impacts of the fast fashion industry on our planet? Are you seeking to cultivate greater mindfulness and intentionality in your clothing choices? Our 12-week sustainable clothing coaching program may be just what you need.

Through the guidance and support of a compassionate and knowledgeable teacher and coach, you’ll embark on a journey of deepening awareness and sustainable action. You’ll learn about the destructive nature of fast fashion and its toll on the environment, and you’ll be empowered to make more mindful and sustainable clothing choices.

One of the program’s core focuses is upcycling your current wardrobe. Through this process, you’ll connect with the clothes you already own in a new and meaningful way, and you’ll develop the skills and creativity to give them a new life.

You’ll also explore alternative and sustainable fashion brands that align with your values and contribute to a more conscious and sustainable industry.

Through this process, you’ll cultivate greater self-awareness and inner wisdom, as well as greater compassion for our planet and all its inhabitants. And with the ongoing support and guidance of your coach, you’ll be able to overcome any obstacles that arise on your journey and stay committed to a more sustainable and fulfilling way of life.

Join our 12-week sustainable clothing coaching program today and embark on a transformative journey of inner and outer sustainability.

© 2023 Slow and Mindful