


“Mindfulness is the awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present

moment, non-judgementally,” Jon Kabat-Zinn



Find Focus and Fulfillment Through Mindfulness Practices for Busy Women


Between your career, family obligations, home and packed calendar, days fly by in a blur. Keeping all those responsibilities balanced leaves little time for you. When you finally sit down, your mind races and body buzzes. Maybe you haven’t felt truly relaxed in weeks…or months and you’re not alone, stress, exhaustion, and burnout have become an epidemic.

I’ve been there too. As a woman with a full plate, I constantly struggled to find balance. My tipping point came after a shock cancer diagnosis. That’s when I turned to mindfulness.

At first, I didn’t understand how sitting still could possibly help. But I quickly realised mindfulness isn’t about being zen all the time. It’s simple, research-backed tools to help you press pause and reset – even when life feels chaotic.

What are the main benefits of mindfulness for busy women?


  • Decreased Stress: Mindfulness lowers cortisol, your main stress hormone.

    Reduced Anxiety: Less anxiety means better sleep, mood, and resilience.

    Enhanced Focus: By training your mind to stay present, you boost concentration skills. 

    More Joy: Studies link mindfulness to feeling more content and fulfilled day-to-day. Stress takes a backseat to appreciation.

    Healthier Coping: With practice, you respond vs react to life’s curveballs with emotional intelligence.

    Improved Relationships: Mindfulness enhances empathy and compassion for others. You communicate with less reactivity.

Easy Ways to Get Started With Mindfulness

You don’t need hours on a cushion to benefit. With just 10 minutes per day, you can create space for peace.

Try a breathing exercise: Close your eyes. Bring attention to your inhale and exhale. When the mind wanders, gently refocus on your breath.

Take a mindful walk: On your next walk, turn your senses on high alert. Notice sights, sounds, and physical sensations.

Do a body scan: Bring attention to each body part. Notice whatever sensations are present with an attitude of curiosity. Breathe into tight areas.

Unplug more: Give your mind a break from digital noise. Spend time in nature, read, and pursue hobbies. Come back to the present.

Infuse mindfulness into your day: Washing dishes? Focus on the water’s warmth. Waiting in line? Pay attention to your breath.

Get creative: Close your eyes and listen to some music. Allow your pen or paintbrush to move freely on the paper, without judgment. Be present in the moment and let the music guide your hand.

Through online programs, courses, and coaching, we make it simple to build a mindfulness habit, even with a packed schedule. Let us help you find pockets of peace amidst the pressures of a busy life.

Contact us to get mindfulness coaching tailored for you!


What exactly is mindfulness and how does it work?

Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment, without judgment or distraction. It involves training your mind to be more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. Mindfulness works by increasing your ability to be present, allowing you to respond more skillfully to stressors and challenges. 

How can mindfulness help me manage stress and anxiety?

Mindfulness can help you manage stress and anxiety by increasing your ability to recognise and regulate your emotions. By practising mindfulness, you can learn to observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment, reducing the impact of negative emotions on your mental and physical health.

Can mindfulness help me sleep better?

Yes, mindfulness can help you sleep better by reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Mindfulness practices like deep breathing, body scans, and meditation can help calm your mind and body, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Is it difficult to learn mindfulness?

Learning mindfulness takes practice, but it is not necessarily difficult. Like any skill, it takes time and effort to develop. However, with guidance and support from a qualified teacher, you can learn the basics of mindfulness and begin to incorporate it into your daily life.

Can I practice mindfulness on my own, or do I need a teacher?

While it is possible to practice mindfulness on your own, many people find it helpful to learn from a qualified teacher who can provide guidance and support. A teacher can help you learn the basics of mindfulness and provide personalised feedback to help you develop your practice.

Can mindfulness help me improve my relationships?

Yes, mindfulness can help improve your relationships by increasing your ability to be present and attentive to others. Mindfulness practices like deep listening and compassionate communication can help you connect more deeply with others and improve your communication skills.

How long does it take to see the benefits of mindfulness?

The rewards of mindfulness are often felt right away, and they tend to deepen as you continue to practice. Through consistent dedication, many individuals notice a decrease in stress and anxiety, enhanced focus, and improved emotional balance within a matter of weeks to a few months.

How can one-to-one coaching benefit my mindfulness practice?

One-to-one coaching can benefit your mindfulness practice by providing personalised guidance and support tailored to your specific needs and goals. A coach can help you identify areas where you may be struggling and offer strategies to help you overcome obstacles and deepen your practice.

How long does one-on-one coaching typically last?

The length of one-on-one coaching can vary depending on your goals and needs. Some people may only need a few sessions to get started with mindfulness, while others may choose to continue coaching over a longer period of time to deepen their practice and work on specific challenges.

What are the benefits of taking a group mindfulness course?

Taking a group mindfulness course can provide a sense of community and support as you learn and practice mindfulness with others. All my group courses also offer a structured science-backed curriculum and as a certified teacher, I will be there to guide your practice and answer any questions you may have.

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